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25 posts tagged with "Authentik Security"

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While you’re busy fixing vulnerabilities, someone is phishing your employees

· 8 min read
Jens Langhammer
CTO at Authentik Security Inc

authentik is an open source Identity Provider that unifies your identity needs into a single platform, replacing Okta, Active Directory, and auth0. Authentik Security is a public benefit company building on top of the open source project.

Last year we shared our (mostly free and open source) security stack, including tooling we use for basic security coverage like visibility, dependency management, penetration testing, and more. Even with these tools set up, there are still activities and practices you need to do routinely and proactively to ensure you’re not at risk.

There are frameworks you can look to (e.g. NIST, OWASP SAMM) but these can be overwhelming if you’re a one-person team or new to security. If you’re coming into 2024 with a fresh resolve to improve your security posture, here’s our advice on what to prioritize (and where you can automate).

Happy New Year from Authentik Security

· 6 min read
Jens Langhammer
CTO at Authentik Security Inc

authentik is an open source Identity Provider that unifies your identity needs into a single platform, replacing Okta, Active Directory, and auth0. Authentik Security is a public benefit company building on top of the open source project.

A hearty Happy New Year to you all, from all of of us at Authentik Security, with sincere wishes that your 2024 may be filled with a maximum of joys (new features and elegant code) and a minimum of pains (bugs and the dreadful reality of not-enough-time).

The start of a new year makes me want to first say thank you for the past year.

Building the dream infrastructure stack for a security startup: preparing for human and technical scaling

· 11 min read
Marc Schmitt
Infrastructure Engineer at Authentik Security Inc
Rebecca Dodd
Contributing Writer

authentik is an open source Identity Provider that unifies your identity needs into a single platform, replacing Okta, Active Directory, and auth0. Authentik Security is a public benefit company building on top of the open source project.

With great power (to choose your own tools) comes great responsibility. Not inheriting a legacy toolchain is an infrastructure engineer’s dream, but it can be hard to know where to start.

As the first infrastructure engineer hired to work on authentik, I saw the greenfield opportunities, but also the responsibility and long-term importance of choosing the best stack of tools and build processes. From my past roles, I already knew many of the considerations we would need to factor in.

For example, we know that ease of maintenance is a primary consideration, as is the stability and probable longevity of the tool, how well the tools integrate, and of course the level of support we were likely to get for each tool.

In this post we share some of what we are using to build authentik, and the lessons behind those choices. technology stack for startups

Okta's October breach part two: a delayed but slightly better response

· 7 min read
Jens Langhammer
CTO at Authentik Security Inc

authentik is an open source Identity Provider that unifies your identity needs into a single platform, replacing Okta, Active Directory, and auth0. Authentik Security is a public benefit company building on top of the open source project.

On November 29th, 2023, Okta revealed that a breach they announced in October was much worse than originally conveyed. The number of impacted users went from less than 1% of customers to every single customer who had every opened a Support ticket in the Okta Help Center.

So the impact leapt from 134 users to 18,400 users.

We wrote in October about Okta’s poor response to breaches (see Okta got breached again), but since our blog doesn’t seem to be changing Okta’s behaviour, let’s take a closer look at the new revelations from Okta about what happened back in October, how it is impacting users now, and why Okta is still dealing with it in December.

Now all of Okta’s customers are paying the price… with increased phishing and spam.

Our take is that any company can be hacked, but it is the response that matters. How quick is the response, how transparent are the details, how forthright are the acknowledgments? Okta’s initial announcement about the October breach (remember the HAR file that contained a session token?) was less-than-timely, devoid of details, and titled with one of the worst titles ever given such a serious announcement.

screenshot of the timeline that Okta published

Automated security versus the security mindset

· 12 min read
Jens Langhammer
CTO at Authentik Security Inc

authentik is an open source Identity Provider that unifies your identity needs into a single platform, replacing Okta, Active Directory, and auth0. Authentik Security is a public benefit company building on top of the open source project.

Automation plays a large and increasingly important role in cybersecurity. Cybersecurity vendors promote their Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence products as the inevitable future. However, thanks to the work of security experts like Bruce Schneier, we have more insight into the human adversaries that create the underlying risks to network security, and a better understanding of why teaching humans to have a security mindset is the critical first step to keeping your network safe.

The best response to these malicious actors is to think like a security expert and develop the security mindset.

In this blog post, we examine why automation is such a popular solution to cybersecurity problems—from vulnerability scanning to risk assessments. Then, we will look at those tasks in which security automation by itself proves inadequate, with particular focus on automatic scanning. Next, we make a positive case for why the human factor will always be needed in security. Finally, we will propose that good security isn't a feature. It's a proactive security mindset that's required—one with a human element at its core.

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